Misdemeanor Diversion Programs

Misdemeanor Deferred Prosecution Program (MDPP)

Defendants are assessed by licensed community service providers for behavioral health, housing, and/or veteran needs. Veterans are sent to Veterans Affairs for assessment and services. Charges are dismissed upon successful completion of the assessment where providers will offer services to defendants based on their needs.


  • Must have behavioral health, housing or veteran need
  • Victim approval 
  • Non-violent charge and criminal history
  • Have not previously participated in MDPP

Chicago Prostitution and Trafficking Intervention Court (CPTIC)

Linkage to community-based services for misdemeanor prostitution offenses. Program requirements and services offered are determined based on participants’ needs. Charges are dismissed upon successful completion of program requirements. Allows repeat admissions. 


  • All Chicago misdemeanor prostitution cases  
  • Must have a non-violent felony background 

Drug Treatment Court

18-24 months of probation focusing on treatment, housing, education, and employment opportunities. Drug court targets high-risk, high-need persons charged with non-violent, felony offenses eligible for probation. Participation may include a period of in-custody treatment. Charges are dismissed upon successful completion of program requirements determined by case managers. 


  • Felony charges in Chicago 
  • Felony or misdemeanor charges in suburbs
  • No violent convictions within the past 10 years pursuant to statute requirements 
  • Must have a substance use disorder 
  • Demonstrated willingness to participate in a treatment program

Mental Health Treatment Court

24 months of intensive probation focusing on treatment, medication compliance, housing, and employment opportunities. Mental health court targets high-risk, high-need persons charged with nonviolent offenses that are eligible for probation. Charges are dismissed upon successful completion of program requirements determined by case managers. 


  • Felony charge in Chicago
  • Felony or misdemeanor charge in suburbs
  • No violent convictions within the past 10 years pursuant to statute
  • Must have a psychiatric diagnosis
  • Demonstrated willingness to participate in a treatment program 

Veterans Treatment Court

24 months of probation focusing on employment, housing, and any necessary treatment. The program’s case managers include federal VA employees. Charges are dismissed upon successful completion of program requirements determined by case managers.


  • Felony charge in Chicago 
  • Felony or misdemeanor charge in suburbs 
  • No violent convictions within the past 10 years pursuant to statute
  • Verified military service
  • No dishonorable discharge
  • Demonstrated willingness to participate in a treatment program 

Restorative Justice Community Court (RJCC)

Community courts in North Lawndale, Englewood, or Avondale that practice restorative justice. In peace circles, the person harmed, the person charged, and community members write a collaborative Repair of Harm Agreement. This agreement is a legal document outlining requirements the group feels are necessary to repair the harm caused by the crime committed. The agreement could include requirements such as education, mentoring, job training, drug or mental health assessment. Charges are dismissed upon successful completion of the terms of the Repair of Harm Agreement. 


  • Must be 18-26 years old 
  • Charged with a non-violent felony or misdemeanor
  • Live in North Lawndale, Englewood, or Avondale 
  • Have a nonviolent criminal history 
  • Accept responsibility for harm caused 
  • Both the person charged & the person harmed must be willing to participate in RJCC

Fitness Diversion Triage Program

Misdemeanor diversion program for those offenders with serious mental illness.  Assessment is conducted in court with linkage to treatment and any other recommended services. The charges are dismissed upon successful completion of the program. 


  • Misdemeanor charge
  • Nonviolent criminal history
  • Victim consent
  • Signs of a serious mental illness
  • Allows repeat admissions (defendant can be offered the program more than once)